Defence Update Series No. 2

     Today's top 5 defence news updates are as follows:-

  • Indian Airforce's officers on Monday said that India's indigenous fighter plane Tejas is capable of engaging hostile fighter jets as Tejas has performed well in Indian Airforce's latest war exercise.Image result for tejas
  • Some military experts said that in future Pakistan will have third largest nuclear stockpile, which is a threat to some Nations as Pakistan may sell its nuclear weapons to some terrorist organization.Image result for nuclear bomb
  • Report says that soon India and Russia will finalize their S-400 deal this year.Image result for s 400
  • Chinese official's said that they are equipping their Aircraft-Carrier with Drones using Artificial Intelligence.Image result for drones on aircraft carrier
  • Indain scientists are all set to design india's 5th generation fighter aircraft AMCA. It's first prototype may come out by 2025-30.Image result for amca aircraft india
So, that's all for today's defence update.Stay tuned for more......


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